Command line: MAC vs. Windows
Windows Command Line (CMD) vs. Mac OS Terminal
This is a comparison list of common commands to navigate file-systems, including TRACER, using the command line or the terminal. More comprehensive lists can be found on the web.
Windows CMD
Mac OS Terminal
List files and folders
Full path of current folder/directory
cd <path to directory>
Change folder/directory
cd <path to directory>
One directory up in directory tree
cd ..
Move to root directory
mkdir newFolder
Create new directory in current directory
mkdir myFolder
echo some-text > fileName(.txt)
Create new file
cat > fileName(.txt)
rmdir myFolder
Remove a directory*
rmdir myFolder
ren oldFolderName newFolderName
Rename a directory
mv oldFolderName newFolderName
robocopy myFolder <path to destination directory>
Copy a directory
cp -r myFolder <path to destination directory>
move myFolder <path to destination directory>
Move a directory
mv myFolder <path to destination directory>
del myFile
Remove a file*
rm myFile
ren oldFileName newFileName
Rename a file
mv oldFileName newFileName
copy myFile <path to destination directory>
Copy a file
cp myFile <path to destination directory>
move myFile <path to destination directory>
Move a file
mv myFile <path to destination directory>
Clear the terminal screen
type myFile
Concatenate and print a file
cat myFile
type C:/../myFile
PIPE** find "" /v /c
Count lines in a file
wc -l myFile
*IMPORTANT: Remove/delete command DOES NOT ask for confirmation.
**Replace PIPE with the |
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